A downloadable Shot-o-maton for Windows


Shot-o-maton is a super-short experience, with an unique twist !
The controls are super simple : you must use your facial expressions to control the game !

In this 1v1 game, the calmest and fastest person will prevail !

Keep your expression neutral, and when you get the prompt, be the first to do the required expression !

This game is a convention experience, so you wil get some pictures of you at the end of your games !

To play this game, you must be two, and have a webcam (With a good video quality if possible). 

It is highly recommended to play it on a setup where you stand up, with the screen at face level and webcam on top.

Have a good time !

Team :

Special Thanks


Shot-o-maton_public.zip 77 MB

Install instructions

To play this game, you must own a webcam, and have a friend with you !

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